SMB Cloud Questions – DEBUNKED

Cloud is quickly transforming the way we work. It provides flexibility, cost savings, and new ways to optimize team productivity regardless of device and work preferences. But there are still unknowns, fears, and “cloud baggage” that keep many SMBs from making the decision to transition some or all of their technology into the cloud.
In this episode of #BFGTechTalk, Nerdio Cloud expert Will Ominsky challenges cloud buzzwords and SMB fears around cost and complexity in this version of Tech Talk: SMB Cloud Questions – DEBUNKED.
Cloud Migration Help
At Blue Fox Group, we help SMBs overcome the complexities of cloud contracts, managing multiple platforms and security loopholes by helping SMBs navigate the cloud migration experience.
Move away from daily transactional decision-making around cloud technology and move towards a strategic, business-focused approach that leverages the cloud’s immense flexibility and cost benefits.